Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Fiery Mac and Cheese

I grew up without money. It's something that has influenced every decision in my adult life along with my taste preferences and cooking habits. I never really thought to much of it, but I have a very simple pallets because when I was younger there wasn't much variety in our meals. Mashed potatoes and gravy, baked potatoes with pork chops, beef stew with potatoes, mostly carbs and a meat side. When I first began cooking my own meals I didn't know where to start. It's basically been 4 years of trail and error with finding recipes that taste good, are quick and don't cost my first born child. It's a tough balance between healthy and cheap but I've found a few that I'd like to share.

Fiery Mac and Cheese

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes

Box Mac and Cheese (I used a store brand white mac and cheese)
1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup milk
1 jalapeno, finely chopped
1 can corn
Parmesan cheese

Cook the mac and cheese according to the box instructions. Once the pasta has cooked to your preference, stir in the butter and milk until smooth. Stir in the corn and jalapeƱo, coat the top of the mixture with parmesan cheese and let sit on low for about 5 minutes.  Serve with a fruit side or salad.

I love this recipe because it's a great flavored dish that takes about 15 minutes when I don't have the time to make something else. Enjoy!

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